Coronavirus,the clouds of threat on the Middle East

Coronavirus,the clouds of threat on the Middle East

Corona Virus,the clouds of threat on the Middle East

Coronavirus in middle east

History has shown that wars and epidemics have caused catastrophic destruction in the world,and the Coronavirus slowly gains its foothold in the Middle East, there bcanbecatastrophic onsequences on the human and political level in the region.In the Middle East, the healthcare system is facing the same problems as the health system in Europe and the United States.

The Coronapandemic has stunned Iran, and the number of casualties is on the rise, though many experts still do not trust the statistics of the Corona casualties in Iran.The Middle East has some of its own specific problems that can exacerbate the outbreak.Religion is much more involved in the lives of people in this region and that is probably the reason why societies where religious influence is high they have difficulty adapting

Coronavirus prevention

For example, in Israel, Hardy, a conservative Jewish sect, hesitated to follow the Coronavirus prevention directive, and for this reason the number of people killed by the Coronavirus Similarly, Shiite pilgrims from Iraq and Syria who have returned to Iran after pilgrimages to Iran have found 

the Coronavirus.The Middle East is facing an economic crisis besides the Corona crisis.The war on oil prices in Saudi Arabia and Russia has led to the fall in oil prices in the global market,which is worsening the region's economy.

Coronavirus epidemic

The global organization Madison Sans Frontier (MSF) has warned that the Corona epidemic could spread rapidly in the region, especially in refugee camps with lack of basic facilities.Most Middle Eastern governments do not have the resources to support the pressing industries.

But most importantly the wars that are being fought in the region, a number of people forced to leave their homes to take refuge in camps where conditions can beSyria, Libya and Yemen have turned into failed states and their resources are limited and that its health system disaster.Russian government forces and their allied forces in the rebel-controlled areas in Syria are targeting health facilities.

Corona patient the in country

That is why aid agencies are now calling for international help.The Syrian government has confirmed Corona patient in the country for the first time on March 23.A corona patient has not yet been confirmed in the war-torn region of Idlib, probably due to the absence of testing facilities.

Coronavirus rapid spread

The MSF has expressed concern over the rapid spread of the Coronavirus among those living in camps inside Syria, but the organization fears that people who fled the war-tornbeing placed, can also pose threats to their lives.At a time when developing countries where business activities are

 high, they are having problems dealing with the situation, relief operations will certainly be difficult for all humans,its more difficultRefugee International Group, in a detailed report, highlighted the dangers posed to the lives of displaced people worldwide.

Corona Virus,the clouds of threat on the Middle East

Harding Lang, vice president of Refugee International, has said that during this global outbreak, we should not forget these helpless people.He said that the governments of the world are certainly right in focusing on the protection of their citizens, but in this hour of 

difficulty,Coronaviruspreventionmeasures shouldHe said that seventy million people have been displaced in the world and if we ignore these helpless people in this hour of difficulty, we will have to be preparedHe said that helping people who desperately need help would be a direct step.

Refugee International says twelve million people have been displaced in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey.The healthcare system in the region is devastating, and it will be extremely difficult for them to cope withthe threat of the Corona epidemic.Refugee International has expressed concern over 

Syria in particular, where 5.6 million people have left the country, while 6.5 million have emigrated within the country.Not all of these people have access to adequate healthcare facilities.

Middle east in chaos

Unfortunately, we are going through such an early phase in human history.The Corona epidemic could put the Middle East in a chaos that has no idea of any improvement.

Coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus protection measures, such as social distance instruction, will be difficult to implement because homeless people in camps are already forced to live in short spaces.Even in places in the Middle East that are not completely war-ravaged, there is the potential for a possible

Coronavirus crisis.An example of this is the Israeli-dominated Gaza Strip, and western Jordan.The Palestinian Authority, which manages 40% of western Jordan, also faces difficulties in dealing with the Coronavirus.

Spread coronavirus

There are fears that the Coronavirus is spreading there due to close economic ties between Israel and West Jordan.If the Coronavirus is set in the region, it willOnly a few governments in the region have the proper right to rule, and the blood of Spring or Arab Spring, which has been raised by 

the wishes of theSpring Arabia has been suppressed, but the tension still exists in the place that gave birth to the Arab Spring.There are deep depictions of wars and epidemics on human history.

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