Misunderstandings and Facts About the Coronavirus
Misunderstandings and Facts About the Coronavirus
Misunderstanding about Coronvirus
The coronavirus to related to many social media posts are being created, such claims are
misconceptions about the virus and are far from the truth
Some Facebook posts is being said is that the common flu, fever, runny nose and sign the symbol appears dry cough infected person Coronavirus.
Some Facebook posts is being said is that the common flu, fever, runny nose and sign the symbol appears dry cough infected person Coronavirus.
Some Facebook posts in this claim is that the signs of being a Coronavirus, would have been evident before then, such as sore throat, then pneumonia, etc.
The virus can survive in temperatures
The medical experts claim has not yet set a specific time.
Now I do not know what the weather and temperature could make the difference in the spread of the virus or not?
The World Health Organization Coronavirus has stated that the virus can be present at various levels for several hours to several days.
Now I do not know what the weather and temperature could make the difference in the spread of the virus or not?
The World Health Organization Coronavirus has stated that the virus can be present at various levels for several hours to several days.
A research conducted by Griff Wald University Hospital in Germany found that SARS and MERS, a family belonging to the Coronavirus, were present for up to nine days at
normal room temperature on metals, glass and plastic surfaces.
Drinking Water Avoid Coronavirus
Social media posts are claiming that hot water to can prevent the virus from reaching the lungs.
Brandon Brown says it is true that water is very important for the body but does not bother to change the water temperature.
Drinking Water Avoid Coronavirus
Brandon Brown says it is true that water is very important for the body but does not bother to change the water temperature.
He said that although relieve sore throat is to gargle with warm water, but it does not matter of Coronavirus.
Must wear masks to avoid virus
A viral Facebook post claims that since the virus is bigger than the rest of the viruses, anyone wearing a mask can be prevented from entering the body
.Chinese researchers wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that the virus is about sixty to one hundered and forty nanometers.
Wear a medical CDC officials are working with people affected by Coronavirus, instructions are given to N95 masks.People who have no symptoms are not instructed to wear a mask.
The World Health Organization says there is no need to wear masks.
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